TikToker Fakes His Own Death After Feeling ‘Unappreciated’ — Then Shows Up To His Own Funeral In A Helicopter

A Surprising Lesson on Appreciation

Belgian TikToker David Baerten, 45, recently staged an elaborate plan to see who truly cared about him. Feeling “unappreciated” by friends and family, Baerten decided to fake his own death to wake up those who appeared indifferent. The dramatic ending came at his own funeral, where he made a grand entrance in a helicopter, leaving attendees shocked.

Feeling Unappreciated

Baerten felt hurt by his social circle’s lack of inclusion and noticed he was often left out of important events. “What I see in my family often hurts me. I never get invited to anything. Nobody sees me. We all grew apart. I felt unappreciated,” he said. He wanted to show his loved ones the importance of valuing relationships before it’s too late.

The Deceptive Announcement

To begin his ruse, Baerten’s daughter announced his “death” on Facebook, writing, “Rest in peace, Daddy. I will never stop thinking about you. Why is life so unfair? Why you? You were going to be a grandfather and still had your whole life ahead of you. I love you! We love you! We will never forget you.” This post convinced everyone that Baerten had passed away, leaving friends and extended family grieving.

The Surprise Arrival

Baerten planned his own funeral, organizing a ceremony outside Liège, Belgium. As mourners gathered, a helicopter appeared in the sky, drawing everyone’s attention. It landed nearby, and Baerten stepped out with a camera crew, revealing his elaborate plan.

Mixed Reactions

Baerten greeted the confused crowd with, “Cheers to you all, welcome to my funeral!” Some tearfully embraced him, while others were left stunned, unsure of how to react. As the TikTok video circulated, one user expressed their initial sadness and shock, writing, “You got us. I swear I was crying and then I was shocked. Buddy, we love you very much.”

Controversial Responses

Not everyone appreciated Baerten’s unconventional stunt. Many criticized it as “cruel” and “unnecessary.” Some commenters even suggested that this act explained why people might not like Baerten. While he initially felt successful in identifying who genuinely cared, he later expressed regret for the unintended hurt caused to others.


Afterward, Baerten realized he should have canceled the scheme. Regret set in as he received messages and videos of people’s genuine distress, prompting him to question his actions. “I’m sorry to all the people I hurt. I hate hurting people,” he stated remorsefully.

A Thought-Provoking Tale

David Baerten’s faked death and dramatic entrance at his own funeral is a thought-provoking story. It highlights the importance of cherishing relationships and not taking loved ones for granted. By sharing his story on TikTok, Baerten sparked conversations about appreciation, compassion, and the impact our actions can have on others.

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